abas ERP receives multiple awards at 3rd Manufacturing Conference in China
Most trusted Brand and Best Practice award goes to ABAS
abas ERP received the “Most Trusted Brand of China Manufacturing” award and the “Best Practice” award” at the 3rd Manufacturing Conference in Bejing, China. abas ERP with its overall simplicity, visualization of data, and its flexible approach to manage processes, has received complete accreditation by the Chinese market.
ABAS customer SKF Economos Qingdao, pioneers in machined sealing technology, shared its experiences in implementing abas ERP. The simple tools, short implementation time, fast customization and human oriented implementation method, gave a deep impression ABAS in China. Due to the successful implementation of abas ERP at SKF Economos, ABAS won the honor of the "2010 Best Practice Award of China Manufacturing" at the 3rd Manufacturing Conference in Bejing, China.
Forrest Yang, Managing Director of ABAS Force China, attended this conference and gave a speech entitled "Civilianize ERP’s Advanced Customizing". In his speech, Forrest Yang referred to the Chinese people’s dress evolution from the monotonous style to today's colorful and personalized dressing requirement. Similarly, the individual requirement for manufacturing companies’ IT solution is increasingly important. Thus, it is becoming as the core value of ABAS to provide a quick implementation of a "perfect tailored" business software for companies, and especially for medium size companies.
Cutting Edge ERP Technologies
Due to abas ERP’s flexible multi-tier software architecture, the functionality required can be set up with a minimum amount of time and effort. The already extensive abas standard functions can be extended by company specific requirements. The individual adjustments can also be made using the Java programming language. Company requirements are constantly subject to change, modifications and enhancements are easily carried out in abas ERP. More important, all individual adjustments will remain after an upgrade.
Artikel vom 28.02.2011
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