New Orders January 2011
ABAS Projektierung GmbH in Karlsruhe was able to convince another new customer, Buchholz Textilpflege GmbH & Co. KG, of the value of abas Business Software. For a long time now, Buchholz has developed from a normal laundry service to a modern service provider. Its customers are nursing homes, hotels and gastronomy, as well as industry and trade.
New customer of abas Informationssysteme GmbH is enerquinn Energiesystemtechnik GmbH. The company is expert in photovoltaics and cogeneration, develops concepts for efficient use of energy, works on solutions for a sustainable power supply of buildings, and is a energy management and measuring techniques specialist.
Gigant Verpackungstechnik Ges.m.b.H. is an Austrian family business specialized in packaging material and packaging machines. The company provides customers with a complete range of goods and services in the product packaging, transport packaging and protective packaging area. Proximity to customers, entrepreneurial thinking and high motivation of employees are the success factors that have made Gigant the market leader in its sector of industry. About 25 users will optimize future business processes using abas Distribution. They will be supported by abas partner Nittman & Pekoll GesmbH.
Heitmeier GmbH has been producing modules for the mechanical engineering industry as a supplier for over 20 years. With about 25 employees and long-time experience, the company has developed a strong position on the market segment, which is continuously being extended. Customers are mainly medium-sized and large mechanical engineering companies which are provided with the complete range of sheet metal processing. ABAS Projektierung in Minden, Germany is the managing software partner and responsible for implementing abas ERP.
The Swiss Humbel Zahnräder AG already has been working with abas ERP since 2002. Now the Romanian production location S.C. HPT SRL Humbel Produktions Technik will also introduce the well-proven ERP system. The company will be supported by the Romanian abas partner Sistec.
LEHA Vorhangschienen Werner Hanisch KG also has opted for the cooperation with the Austrian abas partner Nittmann & Pekoll GesmbH and implementation of abas ERP. About 260 employees in Austria manufacture and distribute sun protection products such as blinds, roller blinds, pleats, curtain rails and panel curtains. Thanks to numerous innovations and excellent service LEHA is able to score on the market. LEHA products are distributed in Austria, Switzerland, Southern Tyrol, Liechtenstein, Germany, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.
Olive Lifesciences is a health care organization, specializing in natural products space, based out of Bangalore, India. Olive Lifesciences is managed by a group of marketing professionals with hands on experience in the niche natural products domain, encompassing the entire spectrum from sourcing, product development, R&D manufacturing and marketing. The company was created with the objective of making unique products of the highest quality conforming to international standards by combining the goodness of the ancient system of medicine with cutting edge modern technology. Providence & ABAS Integrated Systems (Pvt) Ltd. is responsible for the ERP implementation.
With Pfanzelt Maschinenbau GmbH another company has chosen abas ERP. Pfanzelt Maschinenbau GmbH provides its customers with the most extensive forest program and will be supported by abas Informationssysteme GmbH.
New customer Scharmüller Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG of Austrian abas partner Nittmann & Pekoll GesmbH produces and distributes coupling system balls and hitches, which are robust and durable, for thousands of hours of use in various application areas such as transport, harvest or field work. Even if operating conditions are very hard, optimal efficiency of the various vehicle combinations can be guaranteed.
In the future, around 28 users of Medek Vallon e.K. will be using the flexible ERP solution from ABAS and will be supported by the abas Informationssysteme GmbH. For more than 40 years Vallon has been manufacturing metal detectors and iron detectors for humanitarian and military applications and operates globally. Since 2005, the company also offers a dual sensor detector for the detection of objects containing metal and objects free from metal, the Minehound VMR2, which contains a ground penetrating radar (GPR) in addition to the metal detector. Another business area is the production of demagnetization devices and systems. With many years of experience, a staff of highly-qualified ingenieurs and intensive exchange with their customers, Vallon develops devices according to the highest quality standards and requirements of customers worlwide.
WERO-Medical Werner Michallik GmbH & Co. KG, founded in 1954, produces and distributes medical devices for first aid and rescue medicine(rescue backpacks/hand cases, respiration aid and early defibrillation products)as well as pharmaceutical products (disinfection, pain killers) and products for the work safety area, especially for skin protection, skin cleansing and skincare. ABAS Projektierung Rhein-Main GmbH & Co.KG is looking forward to working together in the future.
Artikel vom 01.02.2011
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abas Software GmbH
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