Comarch wins title of Polish Company
The Comarch Group has won the main prize in the Polish Company – International Champion competition in the category Exporter, the Polish Privately Owned Company. The third edition of this competition was organized by the PwC and the economic daily Puls Biznesu in cooperation with the Polish bank PKO BP and the National Bank of Poland (NBP).
"Thanks to foreign investments and export activity, Polish undertakings transform into global entities. They compete actively on international markets and build the brand of the Polish economy worldwide", said Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Deputy Minister of Economy during the prize-giving ceremony.
The Polish Company – International Champion competition was first organized at the initiative of PwC in 2012. It promotes the activity of Polish companies abroad. Thanks to foreign investments and export activity, Polish companies transform into regional or global entities, compete effectively on international markets, and build the Polish brand worldwide. This competition also popularizes the benefits resulting from such an activity for the whole Polish economy.
The organizers invited both Polish privately owned and state-controlled companies to take part in the competition. The participants competed in the Exporter and Investor categories.
For more information, visit Comarch
Artikel vom 09.12.2014
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