ELO for Mobile Devices goes Blackberry
ELO Digital Office now also offers its users a Blackberry app in addition to a version for Apple iOS and Android. ELO Digital Office decided to develop the Blackberry app due to popular demand from customers and partners. The ELO ECM app is now available for download from Blackberry World.
The app now allows users of the new ELOprofessional 9 and ELOenterprise 9 ECM versions to directly access their company repository via blackberry end devices. The app's offline function allows you to work even if you do not have an Internet connection. The integrated iSearch module helps to retrieve information. All document types can be archived regardless of file type by using the integrated upload function. Additionally, employees can be automatically included in business processes when out of the office–such as to approve requests or offers. ELO links can also be used on mobile end devices.
For further information visit ELO
Artikel vom 25.10.2014
Schlagwörter: App, DMS, Dokumenten-Management
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