
Embrace change with abas ERP – The value of globalization and abas ERP

The world is changing, and new opportunities are appearing every day.  Globalization, once the domain for only large companies, is now presenting new markets for growth for small to mid market companies.  As more companies in the mid market are recognizing the value of globalization, the ability to build new markets without significant IT investment is enabling growth, profitability, and competitiveness.

abas Business Software is multi-currency and offered in more than 30 languages, with additional languages available upon request. Customers can work with the same database in different languages, enabling simplified workflow and communication between foreign subsidiaries. abas ERP increases transparency and optimizes the flow of information between international businesses, aligns global business functions and manages the connections to outside stakeholders.

Artikel vom 01.02.2011

Schlagwörter: ERP