IFS Applications streamlines operations at Kuusakoski
IFS, the global enterprise applications company, today announces that Kuusakoski Oy, a Finnish industrial recycling company, will implement IFS Applications at all its sites. The specification phase of the implementation project has been completed, and the implementation is to be carried out site-specifically between 2012 and 2014.
Kuusakoski selected IFS Applications in order to increase efficiency, consolidate work processes and improve stability and usability.
“We wanted a straightforward, state-of-the-art ERP system, which supports our business management,” stated Harri Pulli, Vice President of Kuusakoski Oy.
The solution includes IFS Applications components for financials, sales, distribution, project management, and manufacturing. The collaborative project has also resulted in a jointly-developed software extension designed for the specific needs of the recycling business.
IFS’s skilled and motivated personnel was one of the decisive reasons for Kuusakoski selecting IFS as software provider.
“The key factor for choosing IFS was their readiness to start developing new functionality for the recycling industry,” concluded Petri Virtanen, Director for Finland and Sweden at Kuusakoski Oy.
“Kuusakoski is an interesting client for IFS Finland since we believe that the ecological values will assume even greater importance in the future and we want to be part of this development,” commented Tapani Pohjonen, Managing Director at IFS Finland.
Artikel vom 15.06.2011
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