New Microsoft Dynamics ERP Resources Save Customers Time and Money
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq “MSFT”) today announced new resources to help improve productivity and save Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning (ERP) customers time and money through new interoperable Microsoft technologies. The new resources include an out-of-the-box connector between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics AX and a Data Migration Assistant for Microsoft Dynamics AX customers moving from an Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server.
“These offerings help enable Microsoft Dynamics ERP customers to take full advantage of the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft SQL Server in an easy and cost- effective way,” said Guy Weismantel, director, Microsoft Dynamics ERP Product Marketing. “By offering out-of-the-box interoperability with these Microsoft technologies, as well as Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, we’re further supporting our customers’ path to becoming dynamic businesses.”
Following the recent global launch of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, the new connector release facilitates out-of-the-box interoperability between either version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM — online or on-premises — and Microsoft Dynamics AX. This connection helps improve productivity by eliminating redundant data entry and provides organizationwide insight across the applications through an easy-to-use and familiar Microsoft interface. Customers can focus their efforts on the work that furthers their business objectives.
“The availability of a connector between the Microsoft Dynamics ERP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM applications allows us to focus on our key areas of expertise,” said Russell Smith, senior vice president, Edgewater Fullscope, a Microsoft Dynamics partner. “Being able to easily and affordably implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM along with or into an existing ERP implementation provides new opportunities for us to grow our business.”
Connectors between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics GP, as well as Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics NAV, are also available. A connector for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics SL is planned for the second half of 2011. Working with their partners, customers can receive the connector software as a benefit of their enhancement plan.
Future versions of Microsoft Dynamics AX, including the upcoming Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 release, will exclusively use Microsoft SQL Server, allowing customers to take advantage of enhanced business intelligence (BI), security, reporting and analysis capabilities, as well as interoperability with Microsoft Office and Microsoft SharePoint, all at a low total cost of ownership. To help customers make the transition and take advantage of the benefits of Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft is offering a new Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server Data Migration Assistant for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The Data Migration Assistant uses an interactive wizard for each step of the process, making it quick, easy and cost-effective to use.
“The Data Migration Assistant made the process of moving our database simple and efficient,” said Franz Coester, chief information officer, Bächli Bergsport AG, the leading mountain sports retailer in Switzerland. “With Microsoft SQL Server, we have been able to accomplish our objective of a unified database environment, both for our ERP solution and for our BI solution. This will make our life much easier in the future.”
More information about the benefits of switching from an Oracle database to Microsoft SQL Server is available at http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2008/en/us/compare-oracle-calc.aspx.
About Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics is a line of simple to learn and use ERP and CRM solutions that work with your existing technology and scale as you grow to give you long-term value. By using software and online services that work the way people and organizations work, businesses are better able to make informed decisions and adapt to rapid change. Microsoft Dynamics helps your people be more productive and your investments in existing systems last longer, while enabling your business to derive the insights necessary to respond quickly and have a competitive edge in an ever-changing world of business.
About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
Artikel vom 28.02.2011
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