Oracle Announces New Version of Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index
Solution that Enables Creation of Unified Virtual Health Records Now Supports Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Profiles for Accelerated Interoperability
News Facts
Oracle today announced enhancements to Oracle® Healthcare Master Person Index, an open, standards-based solution to provide a single point of reference to information about a patient, clinician, or other healthcare person entity within a healthcare organization or healthcare information exchange.
Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index helps identify, merge and de-duplicate patient identities and demographic information from multiple systems to provide a unified and trusted patient view to place timely, accurate and reliable medical information in the hands of healthcare professionals.
With the solution, a healthcare organization can efficiently and accurately retrieve data for any healthcare person entity regardless of how many systems reference the entity with different identifiers or names.
The newest version of Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index extends support to Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles, which define clinical use cases. This capability helps healthcare enterprises and health information exchanges create, manage, and share electronic health records securely.
Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index’s successful participation in the IHE North American Connectathon 2011 demonstrates the solution’s ability to quickly interoperate with other IHE-compliant applications.
Native support for Health Level 7 International (HL7) messaging for IHE profiles makes Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index platform-agnostic, as there is no dependency on any integration layer for HL7 messaging and transport for the IHE profiles.
With the latest enhancements, organizations can now deploy the solution on Oracle WebLogic Server, the industry-leading application server for building and deploying Java applications.
Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index is highly flexible and configurable to support rapid deployment and scales to meet the demands of even the largest healthcare and health information exchange settings.
Supporting Quotes
“The multitude of siloed and disparate systems in today’s healthcare organizations continues to create hurdles to the development of a comprehensive, longitudinal health record,” said Neil de Crescenzo, senior vice president and general manager, Oracle Health Sciences. “In addition to numerous data formats, patients, clinicians and members are often identified in different ways across various systems, creating additional complexity. Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index helps healthcare providers and payers to eliminate these hurdles by connecting person or entity information from across the enterprise into a single record regardless of how many systems contribute data and how many different identifiers or names are attached to a particular patient, provider or payer.”
“We now have data for nearly 2 million people within our deployment of Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index. The ability to bring together this data – which comes from many disparate systems – into a comprehensive, secure clinical data warehouse, offers unprecedented opportunity for insight into how to achieve the best outcomes for our patients while increasing the cost-efficiency of the care we deliver,” said Iain Sanderson, chief medical information officer of Health Sciences South Carolina and leader of the HS-SCIPR project. “The latest updates to Oracle Healthcare Master Person Index help us to capitalize on this opportunity further while maintaining patient trust by supporting industry standards that increase information security and facilitate management of patient information across our enterprise.”
Artikel vom 28.02.2011
Schlagwörter: Gesundheitswesen, Software
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