Oracle Unveils Oracle Social Network
News Facts
- During his keynote presentation today, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison announced Oracle Social Network, an enterprise collaboration and social networking tool for business.
- Oracle Social Network enables business users to find and collaborate with the right people within their enterprise and across enterprises - for example, with suppliers, partners and customers - using information from the human resources system and their own private social network.
- Oracle Social Network enables business users to collaborate with each other using a broad range of collaboration tools, including personal profiles, groups, activity feeds, status updates, discussion forums, document sharing, co-browsing and editing, instant messaging, email, and web conferencing.
- Oracle Social Network is seamlessly integrated with Oracle Fusion Applications, business intelligence, and business processes allowing users to receive real-time information feeds from these systems and to collaborate and resolve business issues quickly and effectively, including updating applications and business processes from the Oracle Social Network.
- Oracle Social Network is designed to allow mobile users to always stay connected and to participate in business conversations by providing native applications on a variety of devices, including iPhones, iPads, and Android devices, as well as a modern, easy-to-use browser interface.
- Oracle Social Network is designed to meet corporate demands for security, privacy, and information protection by providing each enterprise and its users with a virtualized and private instance for collaboration with configurable retention and audit policies for traceability.
- Oracle Social Network helps salespeople to identify potential prospects, build effective teams, prepare convincing sales presentations, resolve issues with customer service and contracts, collaborate with partners on joint opportunities, and build lasting relationships with customers.
- Oracle Social Network helps marketing teams to design more creative marketing campaigns, target the right customers and partners, and collaborate with sales teams to generate the highest quality leads.
- Oracle Social Network helps human resources professionals and managers to collaborate on workforce planning and staffing, build effective compensation and benefits programs, set goals and objectives, and drive more effective talent management processes.
- Oracle Social Network can be used by project managers and project teams to build effective project plans, collaborate on project tasks, resolve issues and change requests, and track and update project milestones.
- Oracle Social Network provides personalized and configurable alerts that enable users to stay informed of actions but filter out superfluous chatter enabling them to pay attention to important information.
Supporting Quote
Artikel vom 05.10.2011
Schlagwörter: App, Cloud Computing, corporate, IT&Business, Social Media
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