Overall view of business processes: the new customer event abas 360°
Experiencing abas Business Software live
Practice and process orientation are central to the new customer event, abas 360°. Processes for different function areas will be presented live in the system. Furthermore, current abas users will present 'Best Practices' using the abas Business Software. Thanks to the overall view of the current abas Business Software features and functions, and a visionary look to the future, the event offers real added value for decision-makers and users.
International program
abas 360° also stands for ERP software that helps companies around the globe succeed in a constantly changing world. Therefore, the offering for international participants has been improved and expanded: there will be two lecture series presenting the most important topics in English.
Personal contact cannot be replaced
abas 360° can be used for networking, exchanging experiences, gaining new insights and keeping up-to-date with existing contacts. You will have the opportunity to do this in the accompanying exhibition or in the topic-specific roundtable discussions. "Despite the fact that we have modern technology and tools for video conferences, it is very important for us to have a personal exchange of ideas and experiences," explains Peter Forscht, COO of ABAS Software AG. "A handshake just can't be sent by email and laughter can't be sent by fax. That's why I always really look forward to seeing our users and abas software partners at the abas customer events."
For further information visit www.abas360.com
Artikel vom 01.09.2011
Schlagwörter: Netzwerk, ERP, Business-Software
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