
PISA to change name to Jeeves Design Management

Jeeves Design Management is currently used by around twenty design and apparel companies, including Nudie Jeans and Eton Fashion. Ingela Cronholm-Edgren is Sales Manager of Jeeves for Fashion.

“The PDM system is an important piece of the puzzle in terms of succeeding in the industry, as it creates structure in the company. Jeeves Design Management makes it easy to keep track of everything from complete collections to garment sketches, material structure and lists of measurements. It is now also fully integrated with Jeeves’ ERP system, making it even more efficient.”

In addition to Jeeves Design Management, the Jeeves for Fashion concept includes Jeeves ERP with functionality for variant management and Jeeves Design Box, which consists of design applications and peripheral services.


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Artikel vom 04.10.2011

Schlagwörter: ERP, Fertigung, Prozessoptimierung, Qualitätsmanagement