SAP Offers Retailers a Jump Start to the Cloud
SAP NEWSBYTE - At December 12 SAP announced the pre-assembled version of the SAP HANA® Customer Activity Repository rapid-deployment solution to simplify the implementation of this multichannel data application in the cloud. The solution helps retailers to merge relevant customer and inventory data that previously were spread over multiple siloed applications supporting the shift from product to customer-centric enterprise.
SAP® Rapid Deployment solutions simplify the implementation of SAP solutions in the cloud, on-premise or in hybrid landscapes faster, with less cost and predictable business outcomes. They accelerate the deployment of new solutions with key technology and business capabilities to help companies solve business problems and go-live fast.
The SAP Customer Activity Repository application provides high-speed predictive analytics, delivering a single calculation of customer demand across all channels and helps to gain real-time visibility and analytic data through in-memory technology. The point-of-sale (POS) data transfer and audit enables customers to transfer and audit all of their POS data quickly and efficiently. The engineered service “implementation of point-of-sale data transfer and auditing” adds a best practices approach for the integration with the third-party POS combining the inputs and experiences from multiple SAP POS Data Management application implementations.
SAP HANA Customer Activity Repository rapid-deployment solution delivers pre-built analytics to provide real-time enterprise visibility of metrics such as sales, inventory and multi-channel effectiveness. The solution helps retailers by providing invaluable insights to pinpoint assortment, promotion and pricing decisions, and helps ensure inventory availability and gain a complete view of customer data. It provides a unified view of the customer, helping retailers to drive consistent experiences across all channels and improve business efficiencies, profitability and brand perception.
Beside the usage of the rapid-deployment solution for on-premise purposes, SAP is also offering pre-assembled rapid-deployment solution for SAP Customer Activity Repository in the cloud. This enables customers to evaluate the innovative solution or to jump start the implementation of use cases such as inventory visibility or multi-channel sales analysis.
SAP Customer Activity Repository can be experienced via a cloud trial. Interested parties can register for a trial, providing access to various applications that leverage SAP Customer Activity Repository to address different retail use cases. In as little as 30 minutes users will get firsthand experience trying out straightforward application scenarios.
“By providing best practices-based implementation content and proven risk-reducing implementation methodologies, we support retailers to achieve their IT and business goals faster and simpler with the SAP HANA Customer Activity Repository rapid-deployment solution,” said Elvira Wallis, senior vice president, Solution and Knowledge Packaging, SAP. “Connected customers are redefining shopping through online channels, mobile technology, and social networks and SAP is able to provide businesses the platform to help ensure easy and fast implementation to analyze customer data,helping minimizing disruption to the business and driving innovation.”
For more information, visit SAP
Artikel vom 15.12.2014
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