Construction machinery giant Kobelco selects IFS Cloud for greater agility and customer responsiveness
IFS, the global cloud enterprise software company, today announced that Kobelco Construction Machinery CO., LTD. (Kobelco Construction Machinery), the global leader in construction equipment, has selected IFS CloudTM to improve their ability to respond to customers. The solution will introduce advanced digital transformation in the field and improve market responsiveness within its entire supply chain, from procurement to manufacturing, sales, and service management, at a time of continuing disruption worldwide.
This major agreement will see IFS Cloud implemented for 8,000 users across Kobelco's operations in 11 countries, starting with its home market in Japan.
Its construction equipment can be customized in the field and requires individualized management even after sale, and Kobelco found its previous platform was unable to support the required functionality without the development of a huge add-on system. IFS Cloud, by contrast, provides unmatched functionality, the ability to handle customer's customization management and integration with services, improving the quality and speed of service Kobelco provides to customers. The IFS suite of solutions will optimize all of Kobelco's global operations in production, supply chain management, logistics, final assembly, service and sales.
"IFS Solutions has a proven track record of supporting the core operations of global machinery manufacturers and has a high level of expertise that contributes to the realization of business transformations." said Hiroyuki Hosomi, Director, Managing Executive Officer, Kobelco Construction Machinery. "We expect it to also have the ability to achieve a high level of responsiveness to expanding global customers."
The implementation of IFS Cloud will be executed by IBM Japan, Ltd. (IBM Japan) a leading systems integrator with a proven track record of implementing ERP solutions for many companies in Japan and globally. This is the first time IFS has collaborated with IBM Japan in ERP, and IFS will continue to expand this collaboration.
"Kobelco Construction Machinery is transforming to meet customer requirements through innovation, excellence, and the ability to adapt quickly to changes in demand. We are proud to partner with them on their digitalization journey," said Michael Ouissi, Group Chief Operating Officer, IFS. "IFS will deliver the next-generation ERP capabilities and comprehensive solution set that Kobelco needs for end-to-end optimization in today's rapidly-changing markets where organizational agility and responsiveness are essential."
About Kolbeco Construction Machinery
Kobelco construction machinery is in charge of the manufacture, sales and service of construction machinery as a company of KOBELCO Group. They have main 3 flagships of hydraulic excavator, crane, environmental recycling machine, and have production bases in Japan, China, Thailand and India, spreading the business worldwide. They adopt their original "blue green" as their product color, implying that they want to be in harmony with the city and people, and it is safe and accessible.
In addition to the development of environmental technologies such as low fuel consumption and low noise, they are also promoting the operationalization of "intangible" businesses using ICT construction equipment and DX solutions under the slogan of "Creating a Jobsite for Anyone".
More Information about IFS Germany GmbH
Artikel vom 15.11.2022
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