Enterprises Embrace Smarter Carbon Management With SAP and the Carbon Disclosure Project
SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) and the not-for-profit Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) are experiencing increasing demand for CDP Reporter Services. The services include solutions based on sustainability software from SAP, enabling companies to access both advanced analytics and industry data required to benchmark their energy and carbon footprints. Since its debut in 2010, the software has been adopted by more than 40 enterprise customers, including Cisco, DuPont, E.ON, Boeing and Hess. Companies are increasingly using analytics to assess and maximize the return on investment (ROI) from cost-saving greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction activities and income-generating business opportunities.
The software combines dynamic reporting based on analytics and sustainability software from SAP with CDP's database containing information from over 3,000 companies on their GHG emissions, water management and climate change strategies. An enterprise can benchmark its business performance relative to peers, identify risks and opportunities in operations, and analyze the findings across multiple entities and geographies. With reliable information regarding its footprint, transparency into performance against peers and knowledge of best practices, a company using the software is able to make the right decisions for both carbon reduction and profitable returns.
Companies are benefiting from access to CDP's database of climate change information using analytics technology:
"Using the CDP analytics tool to benchmark other sustainability leaders highlighted useful information to share with our internal strategy teams."
Dawn Rittenhouse, director, Sustainable Development, DuPont
"CDP analytics enables us to benchmark our improving emissions performance and seek out further opportunities to drive down our carbon footprint."
Richard Scott, head of Consultancy, E.ON Sustainable Energy
"CDP Reporter Services is critical to Cisco's carbon reduction efforts, with CDP analytics as the primary data source to confirm that our business partners (and suppliers) are tracking their energy use and publicly reporting their GHG emissions and reduction commitments to CDP."
Darrel Stickler, Sustainable Business Practices, Cisco Systems
More information on how SAP technology is leading to greener enterprises
Artikel vom 30.08.2011
Schlagwörter: SAP, Return On Investment (ROI), Production Planning and Control (PPC), Kostenrechnung, Industrie und Produktion
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