Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Launches Trust Center
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online becomes first cloud CRM service to register with CSA STAR
REDMOND, Wash. — July 23, 2012 — Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq “MSFT”) today announced the availability of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center, a website that provides in-depth information about the privacy and security practices for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online service. As data security and compliance are critical key considerations for organizations evaluating cloud services, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center delivers to customers and potential customers high-level information about the privacy, transparency, independent verification and security features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
This follows Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online’s registration with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) program, making Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online the first cloud CRM service to provide this level of transparency. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online joins Microsoft Office 365 and Windows Azure with their Trust Centers and CSA STAR registrations, underscoring Microsoft’s commitment to customers’ data security and privacy.
“Customers have to be confident that their business solutions are meeting their high-level security features and privacy needs. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center ensures transparency in how we operate Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and handle these critical customer needs,” said Dennis Michalis, general manager, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Corp. “Our customers need business solutions they can depend on, and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center helps remove some of the anxiety they may have as they consider going to the cloud.”
Gartner Inc. in the research report “Look Before You Leap Into Cloud Computing,” published May 25, 2012, predicts that “by year-end 2016, more than 50 percent of Global 1000 companies will have stored customer-sensitive data in the public cloud.” And it adds, “many enterprises are reaping great benefits from cloud computing, primarily in added business agility and cost savings .… However, as with any significant new form of technology, many eager new customers rush to take advantage of it before all the risks and risk mitigations have been fully explored.”
“Enterprises should ensure that potential cloud service providers are trustworthy in areas of security, privacy and operational characteristics,” said Gene Phifer, vice president distinguished analyst, Gartner. “Enterprises should perform due diligence on potential cloud service providers through the use of emerging cloud standards, certifications, cloud services brokers, questionnaires and interviews, and by generally ‘doing your homework.’ Transparency in a cloud vendor is key and security should be as big of a concern with online deployments as with on-premises deployments.”
Designed to offer the performance, scalability, security and service levels organizations expect, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online has built-in capabilities for compliance with a wide range of regulations and privacy mandates, including EU Safe Harbor, EU Model Clauses, ISO 27001, SSAE 16 SOC 1 Type II, and HIPAA-HITECH.
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center is available at http://crm.dynamics.com/trust-center. Those who want to follow and engage with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Twitter community can do so at @MSDynamicsCRM, using #MSDYNCRM and #CRM2011.
Artikel vom 23.07.2012
Schlagwörter: CRM, Cloud Computing
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