Oracle Achieves World Record Result on SAP Assemble-to-Order (ATO) Standard Application Benchmark
SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server with Oracle Database 11g Beats All Published Two- and Three-Tier Results on SAP ATO Benchmark
Redwood Shores, Calif. – September 2, 2011
News Facts
- Showcasing the superior performance and scalability of Oracle’s software and hardware, Oracle today announced that Oracle Database 11g Release 2 running on Oracle’s SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server set a new world record on the SAP® Assemble-to-Order (ATO) standard application benchmark (1).
- This benchmark utilizes the Unicode version of the SAP enhancement package 4 for the SAP ERP 6.0 application that runs on top of Oracle Solaris, the #1 enterprise operating system, and relies on Oracle Database 11g Release 2 for managing data.
- This record-breaking result demonstrates that Oracle’s integrated and consolidated solution based on a single SPARC Enterprise M9000 server is well suited for customers planning large deployments of SAP applications.
Benchmark Details
- Oracle Database 11g Release 2 running on Oracle’s SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server with 64 SPARC64 VII+ 3.0 GHz quad-core processors, delivered a record result of 206,360 fully business processed assembly orders per hour - the highest score ever posted with the SAP ATO standard application benchmark.
- The SAP ATO benchmark captures the process of creating a final assembly order for such products as PCs, pumps and cars across components of SAP Business Suite software. The benchmark assumes high-volume sales and short production times reflective of today’s production environments. The most recent version of the SAP ATO standard application benchmark is based on the latest Unicode-based release of the SAP enhancement package 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 with more complete business functionality. The benchmark also places higher CPU demand on the system due to the reduced response time requirement present in the SAP standard application benchmark environment.
- Demonstrating the high scalability of Oracle’s SPARC Enterprise M9000 server, this benchmark is another testament to its ability to produce outstanding performance.
- In this benchmark both the application tier and the database tier were deployed on a single SPARC Enterprise M9000 server, demonstrating its capabilities for workload consolidation.
- For the past decade, Oracle has consistently produced record-setting benchmarks results across a broad range of hardware architectures and operating systems in industry benchmarks. For more information on Oracle’s leading results visit: http://www.oracle.com/benchmarks
Supporting Quote
- "With this outstanding performance result, Oracle continues to demonstrate innovative ways of deploying enterprise-class software. By running SAP applications on Oracle’s software and hardware, customers can increase the ease of their deployments,” said Juan Loaiza, senior vice president, Systems Technology, Oracle. “Moreover, our joint customers can get servers, storage and operating system, as well as the most commonly deployed database with SAP software, from a single vendor with one support contract further reducing business risks and helping assure faster ROI.”
Further information about Oracle Achieves World Record Result on SAP® Assemble-to-Order (ATO) Standard Application Benchmark
(1) The two-tier SAP ATO standard application benchmark performed on July 28, 2011, by Oracle in Burlington, MA, has been certified with the following data: SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server, 64 processors, 3.0 GHz, 256 cores and 512 threads running Oracle Database 11g Release 2 and Oracle Solaris 10 achieved 206,360 fully business processed assembly orders per hour. Certification number 2011033.
Artikel vom 02.09.2011
Schlagwörter: Software, SAP, Hardware, Fertigung, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), Benchmarking
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